Monday, June 13, 2011

Without Internet

Does more writing get done when the Internet access is limited? Is the Internet too distracting to get writing done?

I've heard many people say that it is best to go without Internet or to turn it off in order to get some writing done but I was never one that could turn it off. Even during NaNoWriMo, I keep the Internet on and use twitter to do word dashes. So, it's very unusual for me to not have Internet. Except for right now.

I'm spending a lot of time over at my Grandmother's house and she doesn't have Internet anymore. So, when I am there, I don't have Internet to distract me from writing. But have I written?

Not really. I'm spending time with Grandma and by the time I go downstairs, I am tired. I know I need to make time to write and I think I'm going to do that tonight but so far, not having Internet doesn't always mean the writing will be easier. It comes down to priorities and putting the time into getting novels done.

Does it help you to not have access to Internet?


Jenna Wallace said...

I absolutely write more when I don't have access to the Internet. I'm like Doug the Dog in UP...*squirrel*! I'll be in the middle of a paragraph and decide RIGHT THEN that I need to research something. Now, I turn off my connection for two hours at a stretch.

Juliana L. Brandt said...

Honestly, the internet used to distract me a lot more than it does now. Half a year into having a blog and twitter, nothing seems new, bright and shiny so I don't get distracted so easily. Plus, as you said, twitter helps ensure I get my goals in for each day.

Liz P said...

If my mind isn't completely committed to writing, it's easy to let the internet distract me. I'll procrastinate by checking email, blogs, or googling something and end up going down some long wikipedia rabbit hole.

Ultimately no internet helps my writing. Then again, there's always the next level of procrastination: housework and chores.

J. D. Brown said...

I'm with Liz. The day I finally started on my sequel was the day the cable got knocked out by a storm. Funny it only killed the cable/internet and not the power.

But, like Liz said, if your mind isn't in it, you will find other ways to procrastinate with chores and whatnot.

Anastasia V. Pergakis said...

I'm with Liz and JD in that internet or not, if I'm not 100% commited to writing at that moment, I'll find ANYTHING to procrastinate. And for me, since my businsses and what not are all online, I can't really turn the internet off. So I've learned to write with the internet on. And like Juliana mentioned, having my crit partners on skype pretty much 24/7 keeps my butt in gear!

Sophia said...

I can will myself to ignore the internet on days when the writing is good and the days it's, uh, less good I let myself take little breaks on the net so I don't wallow in a pit of misery.
- Sophia.

Kristie Cook said...

You're right - "It comes down to priorities and getting the novel done." It looks like we can all agree that if we want to procrastinate, we'll find a way. However, when it comes to housework or writing, writing will always win for me. Lol

Sarah McCabe said...

The internet is a huge distraction for me. I'm so weak.

Dawn Embers said...

Jenna Wallace - It is easy to get distracted, I know that feeling. I've considered turning it off but as others have said, there are other ways to be distracted too.

Juliana L. Brandt - That makes sense. At first all the things like twitter are shiny and need attention often but now, it's so usual that it's easier to break away for awhile.

Liz P - Understandable. If I don't feel like doing something, it is easier to be distracted from the task. I've never done housework to procrastinate but I'm sure it will happen one day.

J.D. - :-D That is odd. I finally came up with a couple titles when the power went out once.

Anastasia - It is easier to procrastinated if not into a project. Sometimes if I just make myself write then I begin to get into a project though. I like to keep my Internet on.

Sophia Richardson - I can ignore the internet sometimes or use internet to write (flash fiction especially). Ah yes, we don't want any misery wallowing.

Kristie - *waves hi* Thanks for the comment. I haven't stopped writing for housework either. lol

Sarah McCabe - You can do it! Or find a way to use the internet to help you accomplish your goals. ;-)

The East Coaster said...

Guilty. I get sucked in by 'researching' some small aspect of a topic and somehow wind up reading reviews :/

Dawn Embers said...

The East Coaster - It's easy to get sucked in. I get distracted far too often, so it's okay.