Monday, March 28, 2011

Coming Soon: A to Z

Yep, the A to Z blogging challenge begins April 1st and this blog is going to be a part of it. That means I'm going to be posting on this blog 6 days a week for the entire month of April. And the posts have to correspond with letters of the alphabet, starting with A. Over 700 blogs are signed up (I'm number 305 on the list). The image is over on the sidebar of this blog for anyone who wants to check it out.

And stay tuned for the first post because A gets the post of total epicness. My 2 year blog anniversary is coming up on May 1st and I'm going to post the start of the giveaway on day 1 of the A to Z challenge. It is going to be exciting. But don't worry, if that post gets lost in the sea of the A to Z posts, there will be one posted on Yep, my other blog. It's a two blog, two year giveaway of excitement.

It's going to be a fun month.


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm excited for April first. It sounds like you have some great promotion in mind.

Summer Ross said...

This sounds exciting. I'll be participating in the A-Z as well, getting through that many blogs will be hard work. I can't wait to see what you have planned. Have a great evening!