Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reflections on being an Intern

It is not easy. To be a writer working towards publication with little practice in even submitting it's strange to be in this different role, one who has to evaluate submissions for potential publication or rejection.

Okay, I don't really get anyone coffee cause I do all my work online since I live in a different state than the publisher. But it's an iconic concept when it comes to the term of internship. And if anyone wants to really understand the other side of the slushpile, to be on the decision making side, I suggest doing an internship even if it's an unpaid one.

It is hard deciding whether a book should be accepted or rejected. Very hard. Granted, I don't have to sent the author the bad or good news, but it still feels weird being an aspiring writer and working on the other side.

Some stories have been good, some okay and one made me cringe. I've even gotten the chance to write edit notes on a potential book that may be published in the future. It has all been great learning experience for me because while it is difficult the other thing about being a publishing intern is that it has been an eye opening experience. I know what it's like to receive submissions (luckily, I don't get the ones that don't follow the submission rules) and to be a part of the big decision whether the publisher asked for more, considered offering deals, or a rejection was sent that would include some of my notes.

It's crazy, exciting, nerve-wracking, and a slew of other emotions.
And I will forever be grateful for this experience.


Unknown said...

so you're off experiencing the dark side? Cool.

(ok maybe WE are on the dark side...who knows)

Jolene Perry said...

I have learned SO much from really bad queries. What a cool experience.

Unknown said...


Loralie Hall said...

I don't know if I'd have the patience or heart for that, but it sounds like such an interesting experience. I bet you learn so much ^_^

Roland D. Yeomans said...

You will grow so much from this experience. Know that those would-be authors, like you, entered these dark waters out of their own free will to be evaluated on their merit not their dreams. You can do this. And you will become a better writer because of it. Roland

Denise Covey said...

It is a great opportunity for you Dawn. You should learn so much about the dos/don'ts of getting published. Great that you get to do it online!

Demitria said...

Wow, I wouldn't want your job...if you come across my novel though, give it the stamp of approval. :)

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