Welcome to my first posting of In The Spotlight. These posts will focus on spotlighting people and companies in the publishing industry. And up for the inaugral posting is... 4RV Publishing.
Link: http://4rvpublishingllc.com/
I chose this publisher for a few reasons as my first In the Spotlight. Most won't remember this, because it's back when I first started blogging and had very few followers, but one of their books and authors captured two other firsts for this blog. The Art of Science is the first book (and only at this point) that I've reviewed on this blog. Book Review Here After that, I had my first author interview with none other than the author of The Art of Science, Ransome Noble. Interview Here
Also, on August 21st (Saturday) this blog will host an interview with another 4RV author, Stephanie Burkhart, and her book, The Giving Meadow. Check back for that interview because those who comment on the day of the post will be in a giveaway for some fun prizes.
4RV also links to my theme because they do publish children's books. Yay for theme week. Okay, now that I've ranted enough lets get into the real information that you all want. The data can be found on the publisher's web site.
About 4RV
4RV is a small publishing company that works one on one with authors. The staff includes authors, editors, illustrators and designers. They print both hardcover and paperback books.
President: Vivian Zabel
Editing Department Head: Daniel Hay
And these are just two members of many. Check out the website for the full lists.
Submission Preferences
Juvenile, Children's, Young Adult, Mystery, Suspence, Romance, Mainstream, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Non-fiction, Christian, and Action Adventure. They will accept almost any genre but have a few things they don't want to see.
Graphic sex, erotica and violence/language that is inappropriate to the book's content is not desired.
Submission Guidelines
The web site has very specific guidelines that should be followed. Children's book submissions are limited to one week periods during announced time.
Email submissions are preferred. Each email should include a short introduction message. Unlike many, they actually prefer to have attachments (cover letter, synopsis and a manuscript of 3 chapter or full story depending on the type of story). Attachments need to be labeled as recommended by the publisher.
Mail submission can be sent as well, though they do not return material.
Contact Information
4RV Publishing LLC
PO Box 6482
Edmond, OK 73083-6482
Twitter: 4RV
Many of the authors and others from the company also have links to their own web pages and blogs.
Check them out!
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Blog of a writer working towards publication in fiction.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
About Me

- Dawn Embers
- I am a writer still trying to find the right path. A multi-tasker, distracted writer with many different novels and still have hopes of someday becoming published. I have a blog on writing in general, a blog on my own writing and fitness, and a book review blog.
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