Saturday, April 20, 2013

R is for Read

Reading is an important part of writing. This is true to the point where some famous writers are even quoted with saying that reading is essential to becoming a good writer, that and of course writing.

I've been trying to read more. I have a little blog that I admit has stalled a little. But I'm making progress and it's getting going again. I will be adding more readers to the blog in the near future soon. My goal for next year is to participate in A to Z with the book review blog. Here is the link for now if anyone is interested:

What books have you read recently?

I have read Number the Starts by Lois Lowry and Tree Girl by Ben Mikaelsen.

What are you reading now?

I am reading Stardust by Neil Gaiman.


Megan said...

I recently finished reading "Grown Up Kind of Pretty" and now am onto "The Good Father". Love both. I have to read in order to keep writing!

Yolanda Renée said...

I think reading is important and know that for me it's the greatest source for my education. I learned about the world through books, and now I participate in the world via books. I'm reading everything I can find on Margaret Mitchell and Gone With The Wind, I even bought the sequel Rhett Butler's People, (awful) but you have to know your subject. Nice to meet you via the A to Z

Unknown said...

We love to read in our house. The tradition is being passed on to my Grandkids too.
A to Z-ing to the end
Peanut Butter and Whine

Carol Kilgore said...

Love to read! Especially love to read books by blog buddies. Stopping by from A-Z.

Dawn Embers said...

Megan - Good to keep doing both, reading and writing.

Yolanda Renee - I am with you on that one. I did learn a lot growing up from reading and my vocabulary is affected by my level of reading.

Connie Gruning - That is a great tradition. I hope when I have kids to pass it along to them too.

Carol Kilgore - Great. Thanks for stopping by my blog.