Saturday, April 13, 2013

L is for Library

I love libraries. I hadn't gone to one in a few years because I had this tendency to return books late (bad me) and so just fell out of the habit of checking out books in college. Well, I have rekindled my connection with the library. The last 2 books I've read were ones from the library and I even love the place despite the fact I go to is small and has a limited selection. It's just great to go and see all the books.

One of my goals for owning a home includes a personal library room. A room with shelves packed full of books has always been my dream. I have a decent amount of books now, I just need the house.

Today I found a book on managing money and a book by Neil Gaiman. Can't wait to read both of them and I have a deadline that I have to get them read by which helps get me moving on that reading thing (even though I love reading I also have to write and work). The library is a great place.

Do you go to your local library?
What are your favorite library moments/finds?


Kate said...

I'd love to have a HUGE library in my house too. As it is, I keep adding bookshelves and they keep getting filled. Now I just need a bigger room.

Robin said...

Before we moved in November, I was a regular patron of the local library. Since we moved, I have not yet made it to the new library. However, it is on my To Do List.

Dawn Embers said...

Kate - lol. I imagine if I have a room part way down the road I'll end up needing a bigger one.

Robin - Ah, the new library is a different experience but you will enjoy it when you take that step hopefully.

S.B. Stewart-Laing said...

I grew up in a house with lots of books, but unfortunately due to my moving about in recent years only have a small collection with me (thank goodness for Kindles!). Luckily I live near Glasgow's Mitchell Library, which has an excellent archive of old papers, photos etc. in addition to the books for checkout. I did a LOT of the research for Forgotten Gods in their reference section!